
she spends most of her time in front of the mirror and behind the screen.
the mirror shows her glimpses of old photos of her mother and eyes that have only yet caught a glimpse of the world.
the screen shows her tiktok and botox and pounds lost and photoshop
instagram face and small waists.
“why do i have such a baby face?”

she spends most of her time in front of the mirror and behind the screen.
the mirror shows her a few new lines on her forehead and eyes that she swears haven’t always been this droopy.
the screen shows her ads for which she’s never been targeted before
a maximum strength retinol and a med spa gift card.
“when did looking young become this hard?”

she spends most of her time in front of the mirror and behind the screen.
the mirror shows her a face she no longer recognizes and eyes worn out by blue light and self-scrutiny.
the screen shows her glimpses of her old face in photos of her daughter
smiling and laughing in sweet ignorant bliss.
“will she ever be content with the age that she is?”

– jasmine del gallo

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