Bringing Humanity Back to Technology

TRISTAN HARRIS AND THE CENTER FOR HUMANE TECHNOLOGY  Tristan Harris was a former design ethicist for Google and is the co-founder and president of the Center for Humane Technology. He has also been called “the closest thing Silicon Valley has to a conscience”. Upon reflection on his previous position, he speaks about how he noticed… Continue reading Bringing Humanity Back to Technology

AR-based Instagram filters setting new beauty standards

Technologies are becoming an active part of our life, more than we can imagine. Late Millennials and Generation Z have always lived surrounded by technology, always at the center of continuous advancements. This process has gone further than we can actually objectively perceive and what was before considered as sophisticated software is now part of… Continue reading AR-based Instagram filters setting new beauty standards

Is Code Poetry?

The Extraordinary Union of A.I. and Arts  Is A.I. taking over artists’ jobs? The 21st century has hosted a lot of advancements in nearly every field one can imagine. Whether it be technology, arts, science, or other areas… However, one must admit that the one field that has become embedded in our lives more than… Continue reading Is Code Poetry?

Fashion shows along uncharted path

The global pandemic has asked us to reinvent ourselves in many different ways during this year, and the fashion industry too was involved in this massive process of transformation. Not surprisingly, not all brands managed to transform their approach toward their values and the fashion shows, but it is definitely interesting to notice how some of them have responded actively to the new needs imposed by the society.
We can choose whether to appreciate or not those innovation, but surely, we cannot ignore how revolutionary these changes have been.