The Monday Playlist #7 – on religion

The MMC team is glad to wish you a happy Easter break with a new video playlist on the theme of religion – whatever yours is, here you’ll find something for you to watch. From Buddhist lifestyle advice to Drake’s Bar Mitzvah, everything you might have missed out or need to catch up on!

#1 A religious atheism 
Famous Swiss writer and essayist Alain de Botton in an inspiring Ted Talk about what non-believers should (respectfully) learn from religion in order to improve their attitude towards life, art, education – and each other.

#2 Drake’s Bar Mitzvah
In this funny SNL sketch Canadian rapper Drake opens up about being the son of a Black Catholic father and a Jewish mother – and how his interreligious family got along together at his Bar Mitzvah back in 1999.

#3 Five Buddhist lessons that will improve your life
Buddhism as a religion and a life philosophy has become increasingly popular in western countries in the last few years. Here a young influencer presents five lessons taken from Zen and Buddhist texts that have helped her overcome a dark moment of her life – and improved her life ever since.

#4 On women and religion
The religious choice of wearing a headscarf is one of the most frequent critiques addressed to Muslim women – blamed to accept a patriarchal imposition as proof of their faith. Is that so? Three young women that have chosen to wear a hijab speak with three young women that have decided not to wear it on the most recurring and trivial assumptions on headscarf wearing.

#5 On religion and diversity
The Bible is still used nowadays to support and enhance discrimination towards the queer community. But is that a correct interpretation of the Bible? A Canadian queer pastor explains why it is not, and how the Bible should be read instead

#6 On interreligious dialogue 
An imam, a pastor and a rabbi started to work together in the U.S. after 9/11 and soon became The Interfaith Amigos, a trio trying to promote cooperation, dialogue and, above all, friendship between diverse religious communities.

#7 Essere giovani e musulmani in Italia
Questa clip mostra uno dei momenti più toccanti della quarta stagione della serie SKAM Italia. La protagonista è Sana, una ragazza italiana di religione musulmana che vive e frequenta il liceo a Roma: in questa scena confessa in un lungo audio le sue difficoltà nel crescere all’interno di due comunità separate – quella italiana e quella araba – senza sentirsi pienamente accettata in entrambe, e come questo abbia influenzato il suo rapporto con gli amici e la famiglia.

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