A Clockwork Orange: 60 Years Later

“Advice: don’t read/ A Clockwork Orange – it’s a foul farrago/ Of made-up words that bite and bash and bleed./ I’ve written better books… So have other men, indeed./ Read Hamlet, Shelley, Keats, Doctor Zhivago.” – Anthony Burgess Regardless of Burgess’ attitude towards his most controversial book, A Clockwork Orange (1961), he inadvertently forced people… Continue reading A Clockwork Orange: 60 Years Later

Bringing Humanity Back to Technology

TRISTAN HARRIS AND THE CENTER FOR HUMANE TECHNOLOGY  Tristan Harris was a former design ethicist for Google and is the co-founder and president of the Center for Humane Technology. He has also been called “the closest thing Silicon Valley has to a conscience”. Upon reflection on his previous position, he speaks about how he noticed… Continue reading Bringing Humanity Back to Technology

Modern Feminism; A Question of Who?

In today’s society feminism is a phrase that is applied liberally without any deliberation. Many women feel detached from the phrase and some would admit their disillusionment with the movement. In this article, an extracted spoken dialogue between the writers is presented, where the exploration of the definition of feminism is undertaken. Through this, a… Continue reading Modern Feminism; A Question of Who?

The Repackaging of Sexism: Gender and spirituality on social media

The rise of “new age” spirituality The occult exists between science and art: covering a range from alchemy to astrology. Whether it is a daily horoscope or blaming everything on mercury’s retrograde; astrology is what is most associated with new age spirituality. With the current state of our world, many have turned to these new,… Continue reading The Repackaging of Sexism: Gender and spirituality on social media