Asians in bocconi

Experience of 9 Asian students in Italy. In the beginning of February, we went running. While passing a bar in a Porta Romana area, a group of middle aged men shouted at us “Ni hao”. We started laughing hysterically. It wasn’t that funny actually; the funny part though was this being a third occurrence in… Continue reading Asians in bocconi

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A duel of chess: Cinematography vs. The Human Mind

Ever since the beginning of time, art has been the most expressive human mechanism to treasure important events and permanently preserve profound emotions. It serves not only as a keeper of memories, but also as an active mean of identification and self-exploration.  The art of cinematography offers a combination of visual and speech characteristics of… Continue reading A duel of chess: Cinematography vs. The Human Mind

On being 20

by Egemen Aray When I was blowing the candles of my 20th birthday cake, I knew things would be different. The feeling of turning a new page in life felt more serious this time – even when I compare it to the day I turned 18. 18 gave me the right to vote and the… Continue reading On being 20

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