Politics of the net

HOW DID TURKEY’S VOLLEYBALL CHAMPIONSHIP BECOME A DOMESTIC DEBATE? After a soul-crushing election season for many, Turks are finally enjoying some sort of national unity. Rallying behind the women’s volleyball team, known as the “Sultans of the Net”, the country has recently focused on the team’s success and the ensuing backlash. “How can a glorious… Continue reading Politics of the net

Categorized as Society

A Woman’s Meal

To get it out of the way, I need to mention the obvious disordered nature of the “meal” and how more often than not the videos serve as code for food hyper fixations. Not being a celebration of it but rather the opposite.   “What does it mean when we call women girls?” is an essay… Continue reading A Woman’s Meal

On Nostalgia – May 2023

A monthly review curated by the Mass Media and Culture team This May we find ourselves longing, longing for something that has been, for something that may never be again. While this may feel very melancholic, there can be something very soothing in letting ourself go to nostalgia – a song, a smell, a picture… Continue reading On Nostalgia – May 2023

On Spring – April 2023

A monthly review curated by the Mass Media and Culture team Sun, sun, sun, here it comes! No more cold weather, bare trees, and gloomy gardens. Say goodbye to winter coats and hello to sunglasses and short sleeves, ‘cause springtime is finally here! It might be because of the long-awaited warm weather and sun rays,… Continue reading On Spring – April 2023

On Forgiveness – February 2023

A monthly review curated by the Mass Media and Culture team “Forgiveness is a winding road” What does forgiveness mean to you? Is there even an absolute meaning associated with it? Forgiveness can have different connotations for everyone. Regardless, it’s safe to say we’ve all been through the winding road that is trying to let… Continue reading On Forgiveness – February 2023

On Beginnings – September 2022

A monthly review curated by the Mass Media and Culture team An ode to beginnings, as so many come and go, we forget to appreciate those seedlings of opportunity we reap at harvest. Though the seasons pass, the ripeness of opportunity never decays. For everyday blossoms a vast array of possibilities, where our daily tasks… Continue reading On Beginnings – September 2022