Category: Arts & Culture

Arts & Culture Media

The Overlooked Art of Album Creation

Many times, we play music as background noise. No song seems to be able to hold our attention for more than the first 10 seconds. We keep creating more and more playlists– we listen to them on shuffle, wishing our favorite song comes on next. Rarely, we might play an album from the start, make

By Eva Michael
March 15, 2023
5min Read
Arts & Culture

Pop Art: A Celebration or a Critique of Consumerism?

Artists’ attitudes towards consumerism and the culture of mass media The concept of consumerism arose from the economic, political, technological, and cultural context of late 19th and early 20th century capitalism. Since the industrial revolution, society began consuming at a much higher rate than before. The development of technology and cheap fossil energy brought and

By Blanca Lopez
November 26, 2022
8min Read
Arts & Culture

The Overlooked Artistic Legacy of a Forgotten Building

If you live in Milan, especially in the Bocconi area, you know this building. Locally known as a “buco nero” or “fortino delle droghe”, countless rumors circulate of rampant drug use and illegal activity. There was once a literal Al-Qaeda hideout in one of its studio apartments. The derelict façade and seemingly cheerless courtyard do

By Tommaso Calderan
March 15, 2022
5min Read
Arts & Culture

The Contradiction of Aesthetic Diversity

Luxury fashion brands time and time again spark controversies in China because of their insensitivity in representing Chinese images. In November of 2021, a photograph displayed at the exhibition Lady Dior As Seen By was once again heavily criticized by netizens. The work, entitled Reserved Pride, features a freckled Asian woman wearing a Qing Dynasty-esque

By Yayun Lai
March 10, 2022
9min Read
Arts & Culture

The Aesthetics of Order in Chaos

My middle-school mathematics classes were held in the basement, room 01. There was nothing pretty there, not the stained walls nor the humid smell. Most of the students had woken up less than an hour before, paying little attention to our teacher, laser focused on the clock’s minute hand. Customarily, a student asked, ‘what is

By Stefanos S. Pappas
March 4, 2022
8min Read
Arts & Culture Milan

Milan’s Music Scene 2022

WARNING: These events may be subject to cancellation/postponement, given the uncertainty surrounding Covid-19, government regulations, and daily record-breaking cases. We all know the drill. However, we can still dream, right?  Today’s top global artists will be performing in 2022 in Milan’s biggest and most important venues as part of their upcoming tours. These are artists

By Eva Michael
February 27, 2022
3min Read
Arts & Culture

Kandinsky: The master of color, form, and sound

Have you ever asked yourself what primary color corresponds to each elementary geometric shape (i.e. triangle, circle, square)? Have you ever wondered what might be the sound of color? What do you feel when you notice a symphony of colors on a canvas?  These are just a few examples of the many activities of the

By Elena Getici
February 24, 2022
6min Read
Arts & Culture Media

Music in the Era of Climate Change

Music, being a universal language, has been at the center of self-expression since the beginning of time. Artists often draw inspiration from the contemporary world, and with the recent UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow, what is a more relevant and pressing issue than global warming?   Being a universal struggle that we can all

By Sana Lotia
November 23, 2021
6min Read
Arts & Culture

The Impact of “the end of the world” on Fashion

We all knew the early 2000s would have a revival when it came to fashion. Thanks to the twenty-year trend cycle we were able to evaluate the best and the worst from the decade. It emerged first in 2020 and has remained in the spotlight since, something unusual with the current rate of trends. With

By Mercedes Lovato
November 17, 2021
7min Read