Category: Media
Who Would Have Guessed
Op-ed Democrats lied about Biden’s cognitive health for almost two years. He was unfit for the office and certainly not fit to run a presidential campaign. It took an embarrassing debate performance for the Democratic leadership to act and choose a “winning” candidate —something they ultimately failed to do. Biden was unpopular, old, and unwell. […]
Asians in bocconi
Experience of 9 Asian students in Italy. In the beginning of February, we went running. While passing a bar in a Porta Romana area, a group of middle aged men shouted at us “Ni hao”. We started laughing hysterically. It wasn’t that funny actually; the funny part though was this being a third occurrence in […]
On being 20
by Egemen Aray When I was blowing the candles of my 20th birthday cake, I knew things would be different. The feeling of turning a new page in life felt more serious this time – even when I compare it to the day I turned 18. 18 gave me the right to vote and the […]
The rise and fall of reading culture
For a lot of us, books were an integral part of our childhood. Reading for pleasure was so ingrained in our day to day life that we’d fight to spend our lunch breaks devouring the last 30 pages of some sappy romance novel with a gut-wrenching, terminal illness related ending. I still remember being scolded […]
Cait Corrain, racism and reviews: a look into the scandal
Last year, debut author Cait Corrain secured a two-book deal with the publishing house Del Rey Books, a subsidiary of Penguin Random House. The deal included film rights, and later, the writer obtained a partnership with the subscription box service Illumicrate for her novel A Crown of Starlight. This sci-fi/fantasy (SFF) novel is “a queer […]
The new third space: how social media is replacing real life communication
What is “the third space”?It’s the term first introduced by Ray Oldenburg in his book “The Great Good Place” in the late ’80s. The definition of the third place is a commonly occupied place, besides home (the first place) and work (the second place), that serves as a means of socializing and engagement. While, by […]
Some specters wander around the publishing industry, hidden in the shadows. To us, they’re almost invisible, but we often read their works, and they represent one of the most efficient and profitable sectors of the book market: we are talking about ghostwriters. Who are those mysterious and controversial figures? A ghostwriter is defined as: “someone […]
Snapshots of War: How Media Shapes Political Narratives
The past couple of weeks have been a reflection of the ever-turbulent relationship between media and political establishments. We can highlight the TikTok vs US Congress fiasco as a prime example of this, what with the proclaimed panic of congressmen vis a vis ‘China stealing all our data’. Regardless of personal convictions, we can say […]
Eurocentrist Narrative in Western Media: Changing It Is a Must
For the past few decades, Western countries have succeeded in portraying themselves as the better, more civilized, and morally superior part of the world. The United States has always been the land of the free, and the EU has been the land of democracy and human rights. What’s more, the US was determined to bring […]
The Cold of the War and Womanhood – a Dive into the Past and Emergence in the Present
Why is it that when a car crash happens or when we see a video of a guy on the verge of falling and most likely injuring at least half of his body we can’t look away? Unfortunately, I cannot answer this particular question, however, I will try to show you how it links to […]