Category: Arts & Culture

Arts & Culture

Is Code Poetry?

The Extraordinary Union of A.I. and Arts  Is A.I. taking over artists’ jobs? The 21st century has hosted a lot of advancements in nearly every field one can imagine. Whether it be technology, arts, science, or other areas… However, one must admit that the one field that has become embedded in our lives more than

By Naz Akgun
April 23, 2021
7min Read
Arts & Culture

Fashion shows along uncharted path

The global pandemic has asked us to reinvent ourselves in many different ways during this year, and the fashion industry too was involved in this massive process of transformation. Not surprisingly, not all brands managed to transform their approach toward their values and the fashion shows, but it is definitely interesting to notice how some of them have responded actively to the new needs imposed by the society.
We can choose whether to appreciate or not those innovation, but surely, we cannot ignore how revolutionary these changes have been.

By Bianca Rondoni
April 20, 2021
5min Read
Arts & Culture

There is no such thing as art, only artists (and people that watch)

When visiting a museum, there are two types of people you can observe. Those who know their way around the exhibitions and are engrossed in conversation about a piece and others who meander around trying to look engaged but their blank faces give them away. However, both types of visitors are battling the same two forces – the relentless human need to derive meaning from our experiences and our aesthetic sensibility that urges us to be still and be with the art around us.

7min Read
Arts & Culture

Museums, People and Covid-19

Most of us have been fortunate enough to step foot inside a museum at least once in our lifetimes. Have you ever wondered why our schools and/or parents took us on museum visits? Want to find out why we should take ourselves on such visits as adults?

By Mia Szarzynska
March 2, 2021
4min Read
Arts & Culture

The Impact of Architecture

It is common sense to think about architecture as something shaped by society. Historians and anthropologists, indeed, have often used urban structures and residencies to learn about the people who inhabited them. The simplest way to see the architecture is that of a shelter, a physical environment in which people live. Shaped by the climate

By Aline Albertelli
February 6, 2021
5min Read