Videos you have missed out on recently or need to catch up on. From the most recent in-depth societal analyses to TV-tropes, we have it all.
Here is our recommended list:
#1 Cannot cry for laughing
Don’t want to hear abut this pandemic? Let’s talk about the next one with John Oliver then. With some bitter smiles.
#2 The Weeknd
award-winning artist, gives a stunning performance at the Super Bowl LV Half-time performance. Notably, he spent $7 Million of his own to produce a live performance worthy of his upstanding.
With great power comes great responsibility.. Or maybe not. This 69 min video has it all: laughing at people being stupid but also worrying about the image they project.
#4 The Adorkable Misogynist
is the TV trope of the geeky character who always makes misogynistic (and often problematic) jokes. TV-writers tend to use the technique of lampshading in order to get away with sexist and racist jokes, thus reinforcing the idea of “harmless” jokes.
#5 Conservatives and progressives debate feminism
It’s not specifically related to media, but they discuss the #MeToo movement and Donald Trump too. Also there are MANY different povs so it’s gonna be an interesting watch.
#6 Sharenting
Kids stand up to their parents about posting pictures of them online without their consent.
#7 ORACOLO: with Jia Tolentino, The New Yorker (sub ita)
Jia Tolentino is an American writer and editor. In this interview she talks about social media, Instagram filters, the US and activism. The video is particularly interesting because everything is explained under a different perspective: Internet is seen as a subject and not as an object.
#8 How American Gods revolutionized sex on TV
It’s more like an analysis of the tv show but it still touches topics such as how sex is usually portrayed on tv. (Age restricted bc you know.. sex)