Social Media and Body Perception

Nowadays, Social Media is one of the main entertainment and communication platforms, especially for under-30-year-olds who use it daily, either for checking the news, catching up with friends, or seeking inspiration or even distraction. However, several research studies and surveys have shown that there is a strong correlation between time spent on Social Media and a negative body perception of the user, i.e. the former often negatively impacts the latter.

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As of January 8th, following the Capitol Hill disorders on the previous days, Twitter decided to suspend permanently the official account of Donald Trump, former U.S. President, due to the risk of further incitement to violence. The use of that medium had been controversial since his elections, and it got worse during the last months of the electoral campaign.

Instagram UX

Facebook’s golden child, Instagram, is easily the one the most popular social media platforms amongst GenZ. While more individuals aged 18-29 own a Facebook account in comparison to Instagram (86% vs 67%) the average time spent by a user on Instagram is almost double than the time they spend on Facebook. To understand what makes this picture and video sharing platform so popular, let’s study cognitive biases implemented in their design and app features.

The Impact of Architecture

It is common sense to think about architecture as something shaped by society. Historians and anthropologists, indeed, have often used urban structures and residencies to learn about the people who inhabited them. The simplest way to see the architecture is that of a shelter, a physical environment in which people live. Shaped by the climate… Continue reading The Impact of Architecture