Monday Playlist #11 – The World Is On Fire

The impressions of floods, forest fires, storm damage, and heatwaves in all corners of the world are too intense for us to not be aware that the consequences of climate change are hitting with full force. Quoting the words of Greta Thunberg, “Without that sense of urgency, how can we, the people, understand that we… Continue reading Monday Playlist #11 – The World Is On Fire

Monday Playlist #10 – The hill we climb

We are living a difficult moment in history, characterised by economic uncertainty, social tensions, an ever-larger political division and an appalling climate crisis. Since past generations seem to have failed the tests of their time, our generation is now more-than-ever under scrutiny and expected to find new, better solutions to the challenges ahead of us.… Continue reading Monday Playlist #10 – The hill we climb

The Monday Playlist #7 – on religion

The MMC team is glad to wish you a happy Easter break with a new video playlist on the theme of religion – whatever yours is, here you’ll find something for you to watch. From Buddhist lifestyle advice to Drake’s Bar Mitzvah, everything you might have missed out or need to catch up on!